Pathways To Success

Community Stabilization

Community Stabilization services are direct mental health care to non-hospitalized individuals experiencing an acute crisis of a psychiatric nature that may jeopardize their current community living situation.

The objectives of these services are to stabilize mental health and substance abuse problems, increase coping skills, prevent exacerbation of the presenting problem, prevent injury to others, and teach conflict resolution and problem-solving skills, and decrease hospitalization. These services will increase the individual’s overall adaptive functioning that includes but are not limited to basic living skills such as housing, education, employment, money management, and health and safety. Services are provided in the least restrictive setting. Provide structured, outcome driven therapeutic treatment to prevent hospitalization and to assist with the return of an individual who needs to improve their level of functioning in the work, home and community. Provide the necessary linkage of supports through care coordination with psychiatrist, medical physicians, courts, hospitals, social services family, and others involved in the Individual’s treatment in order to provide a comprehensive, holistic approach to service.

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